This is what some of the owners have to say about the treatments they have received on their animals:
Client: Maysie
Owner: Monica
"I have not seen Maysie move that well in at least three years!!!!! It was amazing and she was SOOO Happy. She walked like crazy on the trail and was way ahead of everyone. She offered a nice straight trot and some canter! Her tail is straight and she is so happy! I can't thank you enough!!!!!"
Client: Roman Impulse (aka Romey)
Owner: Amy
“Andrea had been given no history about my horse when she did his first treatment in May 2014. I wasn’t able to be there, but she relayed tightness in his back and hips, hot spots in legs and ulcer points. I was amazed as he’s had ulcers and has on-going navicular issues. We continued treatments at 4 weeks, gradually working up to every 8 weeks. Not only is his back significantly less tight; he hasn’t had an ulcer hot spot since we started treatment, his navicular is no worse, and his hypercementosis isn’t progressing. Does the Cold Laser Therapy have anything to do with all of this? I can’t say for sure but for a 25 year old Thoroughbred, he’s the happiest and healthiest he’s been since I got him 6 years ago, and we’re having the best connection in our Dressage training. He willingly stretches, something we’ve always had issues with. I highly recommend Andrea and am grateful she came into our lives. “
Clients: Apollo and Vinny
Owners: Ali and Joanne
I have Andrea out on a regular basis to perform cold laser therapy on my daughter’s horse to keep him soft and supple while in dressage training. Andrea keeps track of his sore areas so we can be mindful of his training and hopefully prevent any damage since he’s a stoic horse that doesn’t let on when he’s sore. After Andrea visits, my daughter’s trainer always remarks that the horse looks softer without knowing beforehand that he had cold laser therapy that week.
Andrea has also worked with my horse that had been used primarily as a trail horse, sitting out of work for months at a time, prior to purchase. Due to his confirmation and lack of formal training, he had underdeveloped muscles on his whole left side. Once he was started in full training he experienced muscle soreness as his body became more balanced. Andrea treats him regularly to keep him comfortable while he develops and trains.
Client: Leda
Owner: Alyssa
"Andrea does an awesome job on my mare! She always feels so loose and relaxed after her sessions. Andrea always gives me details on where my horse is sore and what she really had to work on with the cold laser. My horse has sticky stifles and some tension from the demands of being a dressage horse, so she really enjoys her therapy!"
Clients: Cannon and Shamrock
Owner: Sam
"Guess who walked around outside today on FOUR legs?!?! Big guy (Cannon,a 8 year old Rottweiler with a torn acl) looks fantastic! Definitely going to keep up with you treating them. Shamrock (a 11 year old jack russel) is back to his usual springy self. Thanks again for helping all 3 of my boys feel good!" (I also work on her horse, Comanche.)
Client: Cheyenne
Owner: Marisa
Cold laser therapy is awesome! It's so wonderful to know where exactly your horse is hurting. My show horse, Cheyenne, had a strange on again, off again issue which a couple of years ago, i had a vet out to do a lameness exam, ultrasound, and steroid injection performed for a swollen tendon sheath. Thought i would have to get her some surgery to fix things even tho nothing showed on ultrasound. Ended up giving her time off and starting over several times. Did some research and then thought it was sacral-iliac subluxation which you give time off and then work slowly back into training keeping the surrounding tissues and muscle strong to support the issue but again, the main solution could be injections or surgery. Decided to try something different and have Andrea perform the cold laser on her and found out that she has stifle issues and some resulting sore muscles, no other joint or tendon issues. It's such a relief knowing what area has actually been causing her discomfort so i can work on certain exercises to strengthen her. Having 3 therapy sessions along with proactive training has returned Chey to currently jumping 3'6" and we're gearing up for her Novice level event season.
Client: Summer
Owner: Marisa
I also want to share how cold laser therapy has helped me with my other horse, Summer. I couldn't figure out why she was being so weird, suddenly rearing and running off when being turned loose in the pasture, trying to run off with me and rearing under saddle, just not acting like her normal cute self. Turns out the poor thing has ulcers....again...they came back at the last place because she wasn't eating often enough after having an $800 course of gastro-guard and they came back. She also still has a kick injury to her hock from several months ago which could be contributing to her behavior. So reassuring to know that it's not her back or a saddle-fit problem. Still working on Summer's issues so soon i want to ask Andrea to come back and check her again to see if the ulcers are gone yet and treat her hock.
Client: Catamony
Owner: Shooting Star Stable
"Cat had been a race horse for years and after suffering a small injury; his owner decided to retire him from racing. He was given plenty of time out in the pasture to recover and heal with the help of the laser. The laser brought the swelling down and helped his body to recover faster. He is now sound, happy, and ready to start his new career as a riding horse!"
Client: Victory is Mine
Owner: Brandy
"Got the best phone call from my barn, my horse, who has been having feet/leg issues is felling better, he's feeling the best he has since we got him. He gallpoed from one end of the field to the other without a hitch, flinch, or jump in his stride. That phone call made my day, thank you, Andrea."
Client: Striking Tiger
Owners: Tiffany and Katie
"Tiger went to her first horse show of the season and was not jumping quite right. When we got home, we called Andrea to come and take a look at her. She was given a full body massage (which she fell asleep during) and is now feeling just like her old self again. She is jumping better than she ever had!"
Client: Broadmoor
Andrea has worked on several horses at our show stable and the results have been great. Our horses are on the road six months of the year showing and are very athletic. At times they will need support therapy and the cold laser is very effective in keeping horses loose allowing them to relax and do more in their workouts. We highly recommend Andrea and find her to be a very knowledgeable, caring & prompt in the work she does.
Client: Terrawynne Stables
Owner: Tiffany
"Our pony Luna suffered a horrible injury to her back when her little rider was jumping her. She literally pulled every muscle she could. Andrea treated Luna extensively for one week. On day 2 my pony was nickering at me again....By day 5 Luna was able to walk, trot, canter all on her own...By the end of the week Luna was able to accept a rider again and within the month she was jumping again. We are firm believers in Cold Laser and Andrea now treats our entire barn."
Client: Canio
Owner: Joan
Canio suffers from Lyme Disease, which made his joints sore. The cold laser treatments help take his joint pain away, which allows him to move around better. He is even able to jump into the car now on his own.
Client: Luke
Owner: Barbara
"The day after Luke's treatment his trainer said it was the best ride he has ever had on Luke."
Client: Ben
Owner: Barbara
"Ben is much more flexible in his hocks and is slowly returning to his old self."
Client: Molly
Owner: Wanda
"Molly has really bad athritis and after her treatment from Andrea, Molly is able to run around like a puppy again!"
Client: Dillan
Owner: Mary
"Before Dillan's first treatment he had a hard time lying down. After the treatment he was able to lay down without wimpering"
Client: Sparky
Owner: Mary
"After Sparky's first treatment I noticed his back was not nearly as sensitive to touch and he felt good enough to jump again."