Cold Laser Therapy
What is cold laser therapy?
Cold laser therapy is the use of a low-level laser light to promote cell response to a given area in the body. Laser therapy was first invented in 1967 by Endre Mester. He experimented with how lasers affected skin cancer. Today it is mostly used as a healing therapy. The laser works by the light being absorbed into the muscle tissue or joint to stimulate the cells, stimulate nerve transmissions, increase blood circulation, and relaxes the muscles. This allows the body to heal faster, be less painful, and reduces the inflammation to the area. The less inflammation in the area allows for more tissue granulation and connective tissue healing to occur. The laser is also able to trigger immune system response and acupuncture points to further help with over all body function. This laser can treat any type of animal; it is not just limited to horses, dogs, or cats. It works on all creatures.
How is it administered?
The low-level laser is held in contact with the skin of the animal. The laser then penetrates the specific area on the body for a given time at the correct wavelength. Wounds require a lower wavelength then muscle penetration. The laser treatment is pain-free, so one is able to treat painful areas without causing the animal more pain. It is also helpful for animals that are fearful of needles, because acupuncture points can be triggered without breaking the skin.
What it can treat?
The cold laser treatment can promote immune system strengthening, healing of wounds (slow and non-healing), burns, torn muscles, ligaments, and tendons, arthritis, sore muscles, fractures, Lyme disease, repetitive strain injuries, and post-surgery healing for your animals. Here are some of the other conditions the laser can treat:
Equine: Companion Animals:
Navicular/Laminitis Degenerative Joint Disease
Stifle injuries Degenerative Myelopathy
Hocks and Knees Decubital Ulcers (pressure sores)
Bowed tendons Lick granulomas
Ulcers Post ACL surgery
Colic symptoms HOD (Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy)
Bleeders After Declawing
The laser can also be used even if the animal is not hurt. Animals could always benefit from a relaxing, pain-free treatment.
Are there any negative side effects?
No, there are no negative side effects. The U.S. Food and Drug Admiration (FDA) classifies the laser, like the Respond Laser Therapy Systems, as a “Non-Significant Risk” device; requiring a minimum of safety precautions. It is a safe, pain-free, natural, and field tested for over 20 years treatment with no worries attached to it.
Does your pet need cold laser therapy?
If you have an animal that is actively competing, is over the age of seven, has had an injury, had surgery, or has/ had Lyme disease; then you should think about having your pet looked at. Your animal will be grateful you did. He or she will recover faster, be healthier and able to move around better. You will give new life to your older companions.